Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The reckoning

It turns out you can't put 7 billion humans on the earth and simultaneously pump gigatons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere without catastrophic consequences for all life on our spaceship earth.
    New reports and studies show nearly one million species are in danger of extinction as we destroy their habitats to make way for more humanity.  There may be as many as 10 billion of us by the year 2050 which will make it even harder for the vanishing biodiversity to maintain itself.  If we don't kill ourselves by war or pestilence, the climate change we are bringing about will probably do us in within a couple of hundred years.
     This gloomy post has its roots in the so far silent spring we are experiencing in the North Country.  There have been noticeably fewer birds in evidence and even the insect life seems less noticeable.  That and the increasingly pessimistic reports on the climate change our "leaders" seem to ignore makes me wonder if sentient cockroaches may inherit the earth.

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