Monday, June 3, 2019

Garden update

     It has been a long, cold, wet, miserable spring.  There, I've said out loud what most gardeners and farmers in the northeast have been saying under their breath as they struggle to get plantings in on time.  The added pressure of trying to have something for my CSA members every week is wearing on me.  The spinach and asparagus have performed fairly well, but everything else is on strike for warmer, drier weather.   Today is a microcosm of my spring.   At 6 a.m. it was 45 degrees with a brisk north breeze.  The soil, even in well drained areas, is still saturated and as I weeded one of my asparagus patches it was more like I was transplanting the weeds from one side of the row to the other.   The aforementioned lack of dry and sunny weather looks to be ameliorated later this week, so perhaps we will catch up, but I'm not counting on it.
    In other news, Happy Birthday Neil.   Comparing notes with you on a daily basis is one of the highlights of my day.  Keep rollin' bro!

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