Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The low information phenomenon

     Another stupid interview with another low information voter.  At Carol's Cozy Corner diner in East Westville, Pa., when asked if he could vote for a democrat for president, one real Murcan opined he couldn't possibly do so because democrats and especially Elizabeth Warren are for socialism and killing new born babies and because his father didn't fight in Korea so we could have socialism.
     This interview is then brandished by the MSM to prove democrats had better jettison socialism and baby killing if they wish to win over their real constituents instead of latte sipping, vegan hippies in NY and California.  In reality, what the interview is telling clear eyed democrats is people who have fallen under the sway of Faux News and the right wing noise machine can be engaged, but not to the extent of compromising fundamental party values.   The fact this voter refuses to vote for someone who is advocating policies which would help him and his family in favor of a president* whose every action so far has hurt him and his family means he will never vote for a democrat.
     The key to winning the next election, whether for county clerk or the presidency is to mobilize the democratic base.  There are far more of us than there are angry old white men.  Advocating for policies which make a difference in every middle and low income Americans' lives will excite our base and possibly make the Faux New's voter rethink his position.   But to change democratic priorities to appeal to low information tRump voters is a recipe for electoral suicide.

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