Thursday, June 27, 2019

One down...

     I was able to catch most of the first wave democratic debate last night, although by the time the candidates were making their closing remarks, I was slipping in and out of consciousness on the way to dreamland.   As far as I can tell, none of the candidates will improve their relative standing in the polls by virtue of their performance.
     Elizabeth Warren came off as well prepared and passionate about her desire to fight for the average American family.  The lack of another first tier candidate to play against may have hurt her, but it was a boon to Julian Castro and Cory Booker who both made the most of their time by trumpeting their signature issues; immigration policy from Castro and gun violence from Booker.   Most of the rest came off as lightweight like Beto O'Rourke, or annoying like John Delany and Bill DiBlasio.
     It will be interesting to see how many people tune in to tonight's debate.  Two more hours of talking points and democratic civility may be too much for anyone except dedicated political junkies.  However, since four of the top five candidates are on tonight, I would guess most of their dedicated supporters will tune in for at least a few minutes.  We are still a year away from nominating a candidate to run against Cheetolini, but I have a feeling it will seem like a decade.

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