Tuesday, June 11, 2019

It's not what you know...

    The little aphorism leading off this post ends of course with "It's who you know".  In bookend posts, the highly entertaining Lawyers, Guns and Money blog shows exactly how full the tRump swamp remains and how the supposed American meritocracy is a cruel joke.
     As nearly everyone who pays attention to politics knows by now, Mitch McConnel is a brazen participant in the lobbying and payoffs which blight our democracy and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao is a co-conspirator.   McConnel is up for election next year in Kentucky and his poll numbers are underwater.  Chao has arranged for her undersecretary to route lucrative contracts for infrastructure spending to several large projects in the bluegrass state.
     Meanwhile, a Yale law professor who wrote a glowing editorial in favor of Brett Kavanaugh before his confirmation hearing just had her daughter accept a prestigious clerkship with the aforementioned newly minted Supreme Court Justice.  Another coincidence, or the time honored transaction of swamp dwellers?
     Finally, in a look at what a real meritocracy might look like, Scott Lemieux details Elizabeth Warren's rise from a dirt poor Okie to a law professor specializing in bankruptcy and its effects on the middle class to a seat in the Senate and now with a legitimate shot at election to the presidency.  In all respects she is the polar opposite of the bloated moron who now occupies the post.  If nominated and elected, Warren would validate the American dream and show how hard work and merit can sometimes be rewarded.

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