Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Voting against ourselves

      Paul Krugman in the NYT today points to the lack of rural health care in many red states and calls out the voters who put republicans in charge.  In states which refused to expand Medicaid under the ACA, up to twice as many non elderly adults have no health insurance compared to states which accepted the funding.  Rural hospitals are closing and doctors are leaving.  The same people who show up for free clinics in rural areas vote republican and then wonder why they have no health care.
      The same goes for many union members who vote for GOP candidates and then curse when their state legislatures enact "right to work" laws which cripple unions.  The list of those who vote for a party dedicated to working against the interests of the poor and middle class goes on and on.  Without the bigotry and social issues republicans use to entice these groups, they would probably poll less than 30%  of Americans.  I understand there are a few people who agree with the small government, less regulation mantra used by the GOP as their ostensible ideology, but the vast majority of their supporters are driven by social issues.   Unless and until these people reexamine their consciences there will be plenty of poor, rural populations without healthcare.

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