Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Trumpster fire continues

     Not content to interfere in the politics of one ally,  Cheetolini decided the other day to levy tariffs on another to try and coerce said ally to do his bidding.  This is America in 2019.   Fresh off Air Force One in the UK, tRump criticized the government's approach to Brexit, and recommended his BFFs, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson to be chief negotiator and prime minister, respectively.  He is expected to draw up to a half million protesters in London before he leaves.   So much for one putative allied nation.
      The president* also levied a 5% tariff on any goods entering the US from Mexico.  The stated reason for this action is to get the Mexican government to "do something" about the flood of asylum seekers battering our southern borders.  Most  of these luckless would be immigrants are fleeing violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.  Much of this problem can be laid at the door of our policies in these countries going back to the early 1900s.   We have consistently backed right wing dictatorships which have stolen much of these countries' wealth and done nothing about the violence the abject poverty of their citizens has engendered.
     It is estimated the tariff will cost the average American family somewhere between $500 and a thousand dollars per year, and our fearless leader is promising more pain if Mexico does not somehow control the flow of people through its territory.  
     Some people feel this administration is just a bad dream we will wake from next November, but I am not that sanguine.  We need to do something now and our representatives in DC need to grow a backbone and fight the capricious behavior of this feckless moron.
     In other news, I want to shout out  Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter Alicia.  Just saying that makes me so proud.   You go girl!

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