Friday, June 28, 2019

And done for the moment

     The second night of democratic debate ebbed and flowed across the TV screen last night and I admit it put me to sleep with a half hour to go.  I missed the decisive punch Kamala Harris administered to Joe Biden, comparing her own experience as a child of the school busing generation to the VP's opposition to it.  I did see her bring some order to the rowdy proceedings at one point when it seemed the moderators had lost control, telling her fellow candidates the American people wanted not a food fight, but answers on how to put food on the table.   She was easily the most appealing candidate on night two of the debates.
     It will be interesting to see if post debate polls reflect my version of the proceedings.   To me, the women, Warren, Harris, Gillibrand and Klobuchar seemed more prepared and willing to present plans and answer attacks than most of their male counterparts.  The killer Bs, Biden, Bernie, Buttegieg and Beto seemed less ready for prime time, especially O'Rourke.  Among the rest of the candidates, Cory Booker also scored well and often.  I'm betting however the next polls will show Uncle Joe and Bernie still running one and two.  The patriarchy doesn't give up easily.

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