Friday, June 21, 2019

Ultimate Stupidity

   It sounds like we narrowly averted a shooting war yesterday.   After a hastily called meeting with congressional leaders, a plan for taking out Iranian radar and missile sites was hatched and ready to go.  Fortunately, it was called off at the last minute by Cheetolini himself.   Speculation is he didn't want to be blamed for another war in the Middle East.  If that is so, kudos to the president* for restraining the bloodthirsty duo of Bolton and Pompeo.  However, the situation would never have gotten so out of hand if tRump was not so hell bent on erasing Barack Obama's legacy.
     The agreement among many nations and Iran to relax sanctions on the regime in return for stalling its nuclear weapons program was a compromise which pleased no one, but seemed to be working.  Enter the Orange menace who unilaterally junked the work of years in a New York minute with no plan for negotiating with the mullahs.   Now, with tensions steadily escalating and his appointees ready to begin hostilities it has finally dawned on The Donald that wars often start despite the fact most of the participants didn't really want to shoot.

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