Wednesday, June 26, 2019


     As I sit here on a brilliant, sunny day in the North Country the US government, acting in my name, is holding thousands of immigrant children at the border in appalling conditions.  The CBP is being outed for the cruel and inhumane treatment of these children, but appears to be resisting any changes to a regime which includes 10 year olds caring for toddlers because no one else will do so.
     Welcome to Donald Trump's America in 2019.   Unbelievably, up to 30% of my fellow citizens think it is Ok to jam hundreds of children into facilities designed for a fraction of that number.  They also feel it is alright to deny them soap, toothpaste and shower facilities.   As one, now infamous lawyer arguing the government's case tried to say it was only a short term situation and therefore it was possible the CBP was not obligated to provide basic sanitary conditions for the children she was brought up short by a judge who experienced first hand the Japanese internment camps during WW2.
      The lack of civility tRump has brought to this country is shocking, but the fact that so many of my countrymen not only countenance this horror, but actually celebrate it is even more horrifying.  If this policy was met with the universal condemnation it so richly deserves, it would be changed in a heartbeat.  The fact his base supports almost anything the president* does encourages even more extreme and humanity defying actions.  Somewhere, Jesus weeps.

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