Monday, June 17, 2019

Beating the war drums

    Lacking the "smoking gun" of weapons of mass destruction that led to war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the Iran warmongers in the tRump administration are looking for a Gulf of Ton Kin type attack on shipping in the strait of Hormuz to make their case for another war of choice, this time with Iran.
     Blaming Iran for several relatively ineffective attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is looking for international support to bring more pressure to bear on Iran and set up conditions for regime change.  So far he has not drummed up much enthusiasm for the project.  Pompeo and Tom Cotton are both military veterans, but obviously they derived a different message from their service than "war is hell".  They both seem like aging ex jocks whose defining moments occurred in some high school football game which they are determined to live out in their middle age.
     Fortunately for those of us who would prefer peace on earth, the media is not cheerleading for a war with the ayatollahs.  Unfortunately, one spectacular incident could change that equation in a heartbeat.  We need to call our representatives and demand they take back the war making powers they have ceded to the executive branch over the years.    That would be the most effective action to slow down the calls for conflict.

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