Thursday, June 6, 2019

75 years and counting

     There are probably only a handful of the thousands of allied troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy alive today.  They deserve all the plaudits they are receiving from the grateful residents of America, the UK and Canada.   Their bravery in the face of withering enemy fire and victory they snatched from the Germans rank with the greatest battles in history.   Thank you, indeed, for your selfless sacrifice.
      Very few of the valedictory remarks by speakers or writers will focus on the question of why these patriotic men were asked to lay down their lives on June 6, 1944.  What were the failed policies which cost so many a shot at a full life with loving family.   Yes, we need to remember the sacrifices made, but we also need to study the choices made by the statesmen on both sides which lead to the carnage of WW2.   The aphorism that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it is more true than ever as we are being frog marched into possible conflict by the ignorant buffoon in the Oval Office.

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