Friday, June 14, 2019

She'll have a plan for that

      Winning the presidency of the US is the ultimate grind.   Starting nearly 2 years before the election, the candidates are supposed to remain fresh and relevant to an electorate which starts with the political junkies who live and breathe for the quadrennial marathon and proceeds as ordinary people with families and demanding jobs check in occasionally.  Finally in the space between the nominating conventions and November 2020, the vast bulk of the population checks out the candidate's bona fides.
      Elizabeth Warren seems to be figuring out how to stay in the moment so far.  As the wonkiest of the democratic candidates she is wowing the pundits who focus on policy.  They may not always agree with her, but they admit the proposals are well thought out.  Contrast her policy papers with fellow progressive Bernie Sanders.  He has been pushing Medicare for All since 2015.  He still has not developed a coherent policy or implementation strategy.   Other candidates, specifically Joe Biden are repeating the time honored practice of proclaiming their qualifications for the job without actually articulating what he would actually do once in office.
      Of course, on the republican side the president's* minions are dusting off the "Pocahontas" strategy of calling attention to her claim of American Indian ancestry.  Once she deals with that canard, there is little else to throw at her.  Her career thus far is as close to the American Dream as any Hollywood screen writer is liable to come up with.  In any case, she has a plan for that!

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