Thursday, August 1, 2019

Round Two

     The remaining 10 democratic presidential hopefuls gathered on the stage in Detroit last night.  My hot take at the end was Joe Biden took incoming from virtually every other candidate on stage and when the smoke cleared he was still standing, barely.  Biden was notably hesitant on some issues and instead of just shooting a word salad at his attacker would lapse into silence and presumably hope his response time would be over and the moderators would rescue him.
    Most of the others on stage did little to help their cause.  Kamala Harris gave a fitful defense of her health care plan without explaining it in much detail.  Cory Booker comes off as polished, but not exciting, although as a youthful contrast with Biden he certainly looked good.  I doubt any of the others on stage will be around for the next debate except perhaps Julian Castro, who continues to impress with his policies, especially on immigration.

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