Friday, August 9, 2019

Watching what they do

     As Rachel Maddow has said numerous times, forget about what tRump and republicans say and watch what they do.   Proof of this adage was on display on Wed. as ICE agents raided several meat packing plants in Mississippi and left dozens of children without parents as nearly 700 immigrants without papers were rounded up.  Fortunately, members of the community rallied to help the disconsolate children in their hour of need.  Meanwhile, the president* was insulting democrats and insisting he is a uniter, not a divider.
     In other news, Stephen Ross, the billionaire owner of the Miami Dolphins and the Soul Cycle franchise provided further proof of Rachel's words.  When called out for holding a $250,000/plate fundraiser for Cheetolini at his Hamptons mansion, Ross insisted he disagreed with tRump about many issues, but allowed that the tax cuts were one issue which united him and the president*.   He can't understand why many of his soul cyclers' BS detectors have gone off and he may now face financial blowback for his political beliefs.  The population must make it clear to the Ross' of the world they are entitled to exercise their first amendment rights, but so are the rest of us.  Name em' and shame em'.

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