Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Around the bend

    The president* is exhibiting more and more symptoms of cognitive decline and that should be concerning to anyone who values the continued existence of the human race.   Specifically, in the last 48 hours, he has accused Jews who vote for democrats of "disloyalty".   This is a more intellectual anti semetic smear than most, but nonetheless it was roundly condemned by both sides of the political spectrum.  He then proceeded to cancel a meeting with the prime minister of Denmark when she rebuffed his offer to buy Greenland.
     I realize that tRump thrives in a chaotic environment, but these latest two incidents indicate a real mental problem.   Trying to drive a wedge between a large democratic constituency and the party is one thing.  To use anti-Semitic tropes to describe the 79% of Jews who voted for dems in 2018 is quite another and reveals the racist strain that runs through this administration.  It also calls into question Cheetolini's judgement.   With his tiny fingers on the nuclear trigger, this is extremely troubling.
     Cancelling a scheduled meeting with an ally because they reject a bullying tactic is the behavior of a pre adolescent who didn't get their way.  It is no way to run the foreign policy of the US.   It is a wonder there are any career foreign service officers left to run the State Department.   Pompeo is a sychophant who will follow the man child's lead.  It is looking more and more like a "Lord of the Flies" scenario.   If you weren't scared before you read this, I hope you are now.

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