Thursday, August 8, 2019

Divider in chief

     Even knowing the tiniest bit of compassion and an above the fray reaction to mild criticism would have earned him a spate of "Donald Trump became president today" stories, the president* couldn't do it.  Instead, reacting to Sherrod Brown saying that some people in the hospital tRump visited were critical of him, the commander in chief blasted out a series of tweets attacking Brown and the mayor of Dayton, Ohio as the community tries to deal with the aftermath of the massacre perpetrated last Sunday morning.
     Following that fiasco, the president* and his entourage landed in El Paso and sprayed insults to Beto O'Rourke and the Hispanic congresswoman, Veronica Escobar, who both suggested he not visit the site of the horrific Walmart shooting, as the gunman's manifesto was replete with the language of "invasion" the president has employed numerous times in the last 4 years.
     Having now alienated blacks, Hispanics, youth and college educated suburbanites you have to wonder if there is any demographic besides old, white people he is reaching out to.

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