Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gaslighting and Projection

     Lying and saying Nyah, Nyah seems to be the GOP response to every issue these days.   From tRump re-tweeting conspiracy theories about the Epstein suicide to republicans complaining the dems are really the bad guys in every policy debate.   I'm sure they will come up with a reason to blame one or more of the presidential candidates for the gutting of the endangered species Act.
     Cheetolini has always used projection to throw his critics off their game.  A prime example from the presidential debates in 2016 is Hillary's calling him a Russian puppet.   "Not a puppet, not a puppet, you're the puppet".  He repeated this several times with about as much sincerity as a 5th grader in a lunchtime scrap with a classmate.  He went on to use this tactic throughout the campaign with much success.
      As the primaries get closer, the handful of viable democratic candidates must grapple with their response to republican gaslighting and projection.   As one pundit opined, they can't get involved in each individual lie, but must take on the entirety of the culture and show the American people just what lies they have been fed for the last 4 years by the projectionist in chief.

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