Friday, August 2, 2019

Gardening and Apartment rentals

   I'm tired of rehashing the latest series of democratic debates, so let's talk about gardening and apartment leasing.
    The garden is facing the typical late summer dry spell at this time.  I just re-watered a new planting of lettuce I put  in on Monday.  Usually one watering right after planting is enough to keep transplants going until we get a decent rainfall.  That is not happening, so back to the hoses.  Meanwhile, the dry July will impact tomato and potato yields for my CSA and cause problems with seeding for later crops like radishes, cilantro and basil.  It is a time waster to keep watering and it allows the weed population a respite from my trusty hoe.
     We have an apartment for rent this month, and I put it on Craigslist yesterday without much hope, as there are many listings already.  Surprisingly, I have already had 5 replies and the first people to look at the place are ready to rent it.  There assessment of the availability in the area is that most apartments are "small and stinky".  Hmm.  I wonder if that is a common perception.

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