Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Following the money

    Once again, Paul Krugman at the NYT nails the connection between the white nationalist movement, terrorism and the GOP.   As always, follow the money.
     The republican party's vision of the country for the last 40 years has been tax cuts for the wealthy, a huge military industrial complex and the shredding of the nation's social safety net.  At the same time, the party became whiter and more prone to the ideology of white supremacy with its commitment to violence.  With each successive GOP administration the dependence of the party on the haters became more pronounced as its policy prescriptions became less and less popular.   Eventually the party became so dependent on racial animus to win elections it nominated an avowed white supremacist who won the presidency through a series of breaks, including Russian collusion and FBI interference.
      So, we now have a commander-in-chief who actively encourages his followers to chant "Send her back" to a citizen and legislator.  He wondered out loud how to discourage migrants from coming to our country and when the crowd shouted "shoot them", he allowed as how it was the panhandle of Florida and therefore, those sentiments could be gotten away with.  Krugman compares him with Nathan Bedford Forest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan.
     This is where we are in 2019.  The economy is teetering on the brink, climate change threatens spaceship earth and we are being encouraged to hate people of color by our president*.   We need to address all these threats as quickly as possible, but first we need to call out the republican party for its complicity in stifling the response to all of the above.  Follow the money!

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