Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Empty Chair, empty suit

     When the G-6 plus 1 convened a session on climate change the other day, the US chair at the meeting was empty, both physically and morally.  The president* of the US, the putative leader of the "free" world chose not to confront the problem of climate change at a forum where his voice would have counted.  Instead he made a lame excuse and the existential threat to humanity, illustrated by the burning of the Amazon rainforest, will once again be ignored by the country most responsible for the progressive heating of the planet.
     That this malignant narcissist is dooming the coming generations of humanity to an uphill battle against climate change is a damning indictment of him, the party he represents and the millions of my fellow countrymen who support him and his policies or lack thereof.   With public opinion firmly against impeachment it is unlikely.   Even if tRump is removed from the office he has tarnished, the VP who would replace him, the execrable Mike Pence would not be much of an improvement in the climate change fight.   The GOP must be defeated decisively at the ballot box in 2020 and the new administration must make the fight against climate change the defining issue of the next decade.  Anyone with grandchildren who votes republican should do so with the clear knowledge they are condemning these kids to a much lower living standard than our own and the possible end of humanity with a few hundred years.

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