Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hoping things work out

      The "leader" of the free world opined yesterday he hoped things would work out for the democracy advocates in Hong Kong, but more so for China.   So, we have a would be authoritarian giving his blessing to an authentic totalitarian regime as it seeks to quash a nascent democratic wave in Hong Kong.
     Of course, Hong Kong is a special case.  Leased by the last Chinese dynasty to the British for 99 years in the late 1800s, the city finally reverted to China, but with the proviso that it be allowed to maintain a relatively vibrant democratic polity.  Under the latest Chinese leader, (I'm not going to butcher his name), the mainland Chinese are trying to turn what to them is a medium sized trouble-making city into a more compliant metropolitan unit.  Most of the residents are having nothing to do with this new policy and are demonstrating against it in a time honored democratic fashion.
     Unfortunately, Cheetolini has decided to side with the forces of oppression in hopes of a trade deal which he thinks will boost his chances for election.  He encourages white supremacy in the US and authoritarians abroad.  It's no wonder most of our allies are viewing the current administration with horror.   Our position of head of democratic forces in the world has been abdicated and we need to do something about it.

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