Monday, August 26, 2019

50 and counting

   The Divine Mrs. M and I attended a low key 50th reunion of the Center Moriches High School Class of 69 last Saturday and a good time was had by all.  Of course not everyone made it to The Maples, a classic old bar in Manorville where we also gathered for our 40th.   It was surprising to note that more than a few classmates have passed on since 2009, or perhaps not.   Others sent their regrets and one even bought a round for anyone from the class even though he could not make it.
     As we viewed the picture we posed for near the end of our soiree, the aforementioned Mrs. M, the Valedictorian of the class opined we looked like a bunch of grandparents.  My reply was, yes, but that's what we are.  Many more of us will shuffle off this mortal coil before 2029, but that is as it should be.  We stand on the shoulders of those that went before us and our children and grandchildren will do the same, if there is a livable planet when it comes time for their 50th reunions.

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