Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Bizzaro World revisited

    In the upside down, inside out world inhabited by Cheetolini and his supporters, everyone, including the "fake news" media will endorse him because otherwise they will go out of business.  Why this is so is never explained, but presumably it is because the national media needs its constant fix of outrageousness in order to function.
    Similarly, the president* touts the economy as the best and strongest in history, but blames his own appointee to the Fed for trying to sabotage him for reasons.  His trade war with China is contributing billions to the treasury, yet ordinary Americans are ponying up billions to pay for the increased costs of Chinese goods.  Meanwhile, the treasury is sending billions more to farmers who can't market their crops.  
    I could go on, but you get the idea.  Any reporting which doesn't align with The Donald's world view is ipso facto a plot against him.   The danger to democracy has never been greater, because tRump and his facilitators care nothing for our form of government if it gets in the way of their vision.

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