Friday, August 16, 2019

Moving Daze

      This is the big weekend!   We are officially moving in to the new Casa Monzeglio.    It's only about 5 miles from our present abode, but the logistics are still daunting.
       The kindest thing you can say about me and the Divine Mrs. M when it comes to material possessions is we don't like to part with them.   Over the course of 44 years of marriage and 3 children, that comes to a lot of stuff.   We didn't really pare down our possessions when we moved to Peru in 2001.  The house was larger than our previous dwelling and  there was a 4 car garage and a huge barn.  Fast forward to 2019 and the reality is we are trying to stuff a size 10 foot into a size 6 shoe.
      Books and records are for losers.  In which case, we both have a big L stamped on our heads.   By the way, you can't even give books away.  We paid to landfill much of our library.  We still have hundreds of tomes to store on 4 large bookshelves.
      For the rest, we will be sorting and discarding and yardsaling for the next few weeks, but there will be arguments and tears in our future as we come to terms with the available space for "stuff" in our new home.  

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