Friday, August 30, 2019

Dorian and the fire this time

      The media is abuzz with the possibly cataclysmic battering the east coast of Florida may endure thanks to a blossoming Hurricane Dorian.  As with Katrina and New Orleans 14 years ago, Dorian seems to have come out of nowhere and it threatening to become a Category 4 storm before landfall in Florida.  
      The extremely warm waters of the Atlantic between Dorian and the coast will enable what would ordinarily be a weak tropical storm to become a major hurricane.  Needless to say, the warming is occuring due to man made climate change.  The latest poster children for mankind's clueless interaction with climate is the burning of the Amazonian rainforest for fun and profit and the tRump administration's relaxation of regulations regarding methane gas released into the atmosphere.  Both will worsen climate change and make it harder to combat.  It seems on some days that humanity has a death wish.   I only hope President Warren's administration will be able to do something before it is too late.

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