Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Giving a damn

    I guess I have been a little cynical concerning the newest "inflection point" in the gun control debate.  Everyone with even half a brain knows the republicans are sitting on legislation which may have made a difference in preventing the atrocities in El Paso and Dayton last weekend.  Background check, closing loopholes, banning assault weapons are all no-brainers but are being held hostage by "Moscow Mitch" and his merry band of nihilists in the Senate.  Even assuming the GOP grows a spine and passes some of the House legislation it still faces a veto from Cheetolini, who will correctly deduce his base is against any kind of gun control.
     We live in a country of 324 million people with over 393 million firearms.  Until we deal with this situation, we are living on that famous river in Africa.

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