Thursday, August 29, 2019

It's a feature, not a bug

     The casual cruelty of the tRump administration is breathtaking and brainless at the same time.  Whether it is immigration policy so heartless it would deport children being treated for life threatening conditions, or attempts to roll back Obama era regulations on industries which actually oppose the efforts, the sycophants and toadies in this parody of a government reach new lows nearly every day.
     Even dedicated supporters of the president* must be shaking their heads over reports from Miami and Boston showing letters from a government agency demanding that legal immigrants whose children are receiving care for life threatening illnesses pack their families up and leave the US within 33 days.  For many, it may as well be a death sentence, since treatment for many of the conditions they suffer is rudimentary at best in their home countries.
    The EPA, in its attempt to roll back any regulations from the previous administration has prioritized the gutting of regulations on the oil and gas extraction industries which deal with methane, a potent greenhouse gas.  The irony is those subject to the regulations don't want the relief, probably because they know the next administration will revisit this stupidity and reverse it.  The same is true of the automotive industry's fight to maintain pre tRump fuel efficiency standards.   The true believers either don't know or don't care.
    Finally, the president* has now been credibly accused of encouraging subordinates to break the law in order to expedite the construction of "The Wall" on our southern border.  Senior officials say tRump offered to pardon anyone who is prosecuted for violations of environmental law or eminent domain in order to make sure hundreds of miles of fencing is erected before the next election.  The mind boggles...

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