Monday, August 5, 2019

Processing the unthinkable

29 people dead and dozens more injured over the weekend as the nation endured mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton.  It is hard to wrap your mind around the suffering which will be experienced for decades by the survivors.  In a way, at least the dead will be at peace.  Not so the wives, husbands and children who will miss them for the rest of their lives.
      Meanwhile, millions of words will be spoken and written about these tragedies, but the root causes, right wing extremism and access to rapid fire guns will not be addressed in any substantial way.   With a gun supporting racist in the White House, if anything, the crazies will be emboldened and a mass shooting may be coming to a location near you.  More than 250 have occurred already this year.  
      Of course, as with health care there are plenty of examples of countries around the world who have banned assault rifles and seen the incidence of shootings plummet.   The way is plain, the will is what is lacking.

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