Monday, September 2, 2019

Missed opportunities

       Hurricane Dorian is presently slamming the northern Bahamas and is predicted to run parallel with the US coastline for several hundred miles with hurricane force winds lashing shoreline communities as far as North Carolina.   There is no doubt man made climate change is partly responsible for this category 5 monster, but its track will not encourage the necessary changes in attitude we need to combat the emergency which is upon us.
     Had a 185 MPH storm hit Mar a Lago, even Cheetolini might have had a road to Damascus moment as he surveyed the devastation.   It is unfortunate we need the equivalent of a 2x4 to the head for our politicians to admit the coming changes need to be met head on with the urgency of WW3.  It always amazes me when republicans and not a few democrats make a hurried about face in their perceptions when the consequences are personal.  After all, most Bahamians are POC, so their suffering doesn't count.  I'm sure a major storm will hit somewhere on the mainland, but will it be too late to change minds.

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