Friday, September 27, 2019

Come Together

     On the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' Abbey Road album, Americans should take John and Paul's advice and "Come Together right now.  However, instead of "me", make the last word in the line tRump.
     While many in the media decry the latest push toward impeachment of the president* based on the whistleblower's revelation of tRump's attempt to corrupt and enlist a foreign government in his re-election campaign, I think this is an opportunity to repair out tattered national dialogue.   As the seriousness of his latest crime becomes ever more apparent, at least a sizable fraction of his remaining fans will conclude their support is wasted on this walking, talking locus of bad.  There is a certain percentage of deplorables who would support the Antichrist if doing so would induce liberal tears.  Even after the Watergate tapes were revealed, 25-30% of the public still supported Nixon.
    If 65-70% of Americans can agree tRump and the Republican party as presently constituted are a danger to democracy, we can remake Congress and the presidency in the next election.  With a democratic House and Senate, president Warren can make the big, structural changes necessary to reduce inequality, combat global warming and make America the ideal we all want to believe it to be.  Who knows, maybe a significant chunk of tRump supporters may come to appreciate a country where even their voices are heard.  

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