The people at Faux News who actually care about the truth must be approaching the breaking point. During a weekend and followed by a Monday of even more revelations of impropriety by the tRump administration it is becoming increasingly clear that Cheetolini doesn't give a fig about veracity and is literally daring the media to report his lawbreaking.
It started with a scandal regarding our dear leader's use of the USAF to prop up his failing golf resort in Scotland. In a break from routine protocol, the air force routed it's planes bound for the Mideast to a small Scottish airport and paid commercial rates for jet fuel while putting the flight crews into tRump's Turnberry golf resort overnight. The airport was threaten with closure until the air force cash infusion.
Following this, it was revealed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threaten senior officials at the National Weather Service if they didn't back up the president on Sharpiegate. They caved and issued the requsite statement which was promptly repudiated by another official at the NWS.
On Monday, CNN reported and other networks confirmed the administration, through the odious Rudy Giuliani threatened to cut military aid to Ukraine to help it combat Russian aggression if the newly elected government would not start an investigation of Joe Biden's son for possible violations of US law in connection with his lobbying activity in Kiev.
Needless to say, any one of these scandals would have forced the resignation of any previous president. And it is only Tuesday....
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