Monday, September 16, 2019

Lies and the lying liars, etc.

      Once again, the tRump administration tops itself in the race to become the prevarication champion of all time.   Now it is alleged Brett Kavanaugh lied his way into a lifetime sinecure on the Supreme Court.    Kavanaugh strenuously denied thrusting his penis at a woman at a drunken party at his alma mater, Yale in the mid 80s.   It seems the FBI somehow made a cursory effort to check out the charge, but refused to interview several attendees at the party who would have confirmed Deborah Ramirez's account.
    Another episode of genital waving was also uncovered and again, the FBI was held back from a complete investigation of the charges.  In a new book, two authors trace these allegations and the government's refusal to take them seriously, especially in light of Christine Blasey Ford's accusations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh.
     It would seem the nominee was being protected from charges which in combination with the Ford testimony would have surely sunk his confirmation and possibly resulted in reputational disgrace.   I guess being a white man of a certain age bestows immunity for sexual impropriety, especially with a president* whose own profligacy in this regard seems to pay no price.   Some democrats are calling for Kavanaugh's impeachment, but the Faux News and Breitbart audiences will probably never hear any of the new evidence, much less believe it.   Once again, lying seems to be the key to advancement in our present political situation.

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