Friday, September 20, 2019

Weather is wierd

      It has been a roller coaster of a weather season in the North Country as well as in much of the rest of the US.   It started much as the last couple of years have; wet and cool.  Planting, except for the most well drained soils was delayed until nearly June as rainy weather continued.  Then, Mother Nature turned off the spigot.  The initial wave of dry, warm weather was welcome and plantings picked up.  Residual moisture in heavier soils kept growth on track, but by the middle of August I was cautiously wishing for rain.   A couple of showers late in the month helped with late brassicas and spinach, but once again it is a little too dry as I write this.
     If I was a younger man with hopes of growing mixed veg in this area, I would be looking for extremely well drained soils with ample water for irrigation.  In the short term, climate change in this area means cool wet springs, hot, dry summers and so far at least dry autumns.   This regime may or may not be long term, but as someone once said, in the long term, we will all be dead.  

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