Thursday, September 5, 2019

Media complicity

     From wall to wall coverage of "Sharpiegate" to annoying gotcha questions to candidates during debates, the media has some splaining to do to the public.  I am glad to see some people are starting to call out the stupidity.
     When asked by Chris Cuomo if she endorses the banning of plastic straws and consumer freedom to buy incandescent light bulbs, Elizabeth Warren impatiently dismissed the entire premise of the question.   She said the emphasis on consumer choice served as cover to the industries which are the biggest polluters and most in need of regulation.  She went on to name the building industry and fossil fuel interests as among those with a chokehold on Washington.
    The fact Cuomo and other media personalities use their power to obfuscate the lines that run from legislators in DC to corporate boardrooms.   It is much easier to capture a sound bite from a candidate opposing or supporting a minor issue like plastic drinking straws rather than doing the hard work of digging and uncovering the connections between pols and polluters.   Hopefully more candidates will follow Warren's lead and reject lazy or misleading questions from the media.

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