Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Sounds of Silence

     Most of the news and accompanying punditry this week, and for that matter throughout the tRump presidency*, have focused on the fecklessness of top democrats.  The question of why Nancy Pelosi will not endorse Cheetolini's impeachment is somehow seen as cosmically important and an indicator of democrats weakness in the face of obvious wrongdoing.
      The flip side of the coin is why are there no republicans calling for at least an inquiry into the latest flagrant corruption of this administration.   The breathtakingly transparent call to the Ukrainian president four days after freezing nearly $400 million in military aid to argue the corruption of Joe Biden's son must be investigated by Ukrainian prosecutors is a classic case of extortion.  tRump's argument that it is legitimate is redolent of Nixon's protestation that nothing the president does is illegal.
      If even a handful of GOPers break ranks and call for an investigation of the whistleblower's complaint regarding this call and presumably others, there would be no question of impeachment.   Paul Krugman in today's NYT argues republicans have sold themselves as super patriots for the last 50 years.  Now it is time for them to prove it or lose the right to call themselves the protectors of American democracy.

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