Monday, September 9, 2019

Winter is coming

    The Divine Mrs. M will probably take issue with the title of this post, but the calendar does not lie.  As we roll into mid September, the weather is a little cooler than normal and it is taking extra time for many vegetables to mature.  The cole crops are loving the rainfall we have been getting, but the basil and other heat loving herbs and vegetables are becoming cranky due to loss of heat units.
    As I have said many times over the years, fall is my favorite time of the gardening season.  Aside from keeping the weeds at bay in the last plantings, harvesting the bounty is the major undertaking.  Sure, there is more to be done as I try to figure where and when to plant the 2020 garlic crop, but it is still early enough to put that aside for a few weeks.  Meanwhile, it is time to pick the last tomatoes and keep making the sauce so I can remember the warmth of summer in January.

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