Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Policy and process

    The liberal standard bearers, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were front and center last night telling us how we will get "Medicare for All", how they will repair infrastructure and fix the immigration system.   Both sounded well prepared and ready.  Unfortunately, CNN aggressively cut off debate in most cases just as it was getting started and interrupted most debaters before they could fully answer questions and comments from others on the stage.  The Divine Mrs. M gave up in disgust after an hour of rudeness.
    Beyond the stupidity of the format, the CNN moderators seemed to be acting as stand ins for Faux News.  They repeatedly echoed GOP talking points and tried to force candidate to defend against bad faith republican arguments.
    Finally, despite their basic agreement that health care is a basic human right, none of the candidates were able to articulate a plan to combat opposition to government managed health care.  That the Senate will probably be controlled by republicans in 2021 and will continue to kill democratic big picture plans is a given, but no one seemed to have any idea on how to deal with that obstruction.

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