Friday, July 12, 2019

Good News/Bad News

      Sometimes, politics is a lot like farming.  No matter how much good weather and timely rainfall you get, a 2 minute thunderstorm can undo weeks of crop growth.  Similarly, an issue which triumphs several times can be brought down by an untimely judicial opinion.
      My garden received a timely 3/4 inch of rain last night which will keep things growing through the weekend.  Meanwhile, in the Canadian growing region where I do a lot of summertime business, a heavy rain and hail event pretty much destroyed at least one growers harvestable lettuce.
    To carry on the analogy, despite the success of Obamacare in reducing the number of uninsured people in the US and majority support for it in the public at large, a couple of republican judges will presumably rule in favor of a ridiculous argument against the law.  It will likely appear in the Supreme Court again where John Roberts will hold the law's fate in his hands alone.  Such are the vagaries of weather and politics.

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