Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The fog of scandal

      Another day in the tRump administration.   At least four new scandals, any one of which would have derailed any previous president, are being covered.   The Epstein arrest which implicates our fearless leader who vouched for the sex-trafficker's  character, his boastful claims of his nonexistent environmental stewardship, the mess around the citizenship question on the census and the continuing horror of the detention centers aka concentration camps on our southern border.
      Any tRump supporter at this point is like a cult member.  They have drunk the Kool-Aid and nothing the president* says or does will shake their worship of him and their condemnation of anyone with the effrontery to offer facts which disprove their beliefs.   At this point, I think most of his supporters are all about "owning the libs".   The only revelation that might shake some of them would be his tax returns.   Much, if not all of the Donald's mystique is based on the belief by many, again in the face of much evidence it is not true, that he is a self made man who built a small family real estate business into a global empire worth millions.    Many media outlets have published stories showing that much of tRump's vaunted wealth derives from his father and much of his recent success in business is based on his reality TV show and possibly money laundering for Russian oligarchs.
     As the fog of scandal continues to swirl around this White House, a legitimate question is when is enough, enough.   When will we finally wake from this nightmare.

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