Thursday, July 25, 2019

The future is now

     Ted Lieu, a California congressman scored perhaps the biggest coup of the Mueller hearings yesterday when he walked the former Special Counsel into a blind alley where Mueller admitted the only thing standing in the way of indicting the president* for felony obstruction of justice was a ruling by the Office of Legal counsel stating a sitting president cannot be indicted during his term.  Mueller tried to walk back his answer, saying it was not the "correct" way to say it, but for those of us looking for a smoking gun, this is as close as it gets.
     Overall, the hearings were not must watch TV, as the witness looked every bit of his 75 years, asking for questions to be repeated either because his hearing aids were not working very well or he was confused by some of the compound questions being asked by his questioners.  Sadly, this decorated combat veteran and lifelong public servant (as well as a registered republican) was savaged by GOP members of both the judiciary and intelligence committees.   Blind loyalty to tRump will come back to haunt many of these weasels.
     The MSM has already weighed in and for the most part agree that Mueller's testimony did not "move the needle" on impeachment.  However, I think Lieu's question and Mueller's answer may be the key to further investigation and the opening of an impeachment inquiry.

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