Wednesday, July 3, 2019


     The title of this post is "other people's kids".   As we roll into the celebration of American Independence tomorrow, it is unconscionable that we stand by as thousands of children are jammed into concentration camps on our southern border.   A gaggle of local protestors were on the main drag in Plattsburgh yesterday to weigh in on our government's treatment of refugees, but it was a small affair covered in a desultory way by our local paper.
     It seems if our own children or those of other Americans are in jeopardy, no amount of money or action is too great for us to spend, at least if the children in question are blastocysts or zygotes.  Once born, the fact 20% of them are consigned to a childhood immured in poverty doesn't seem to sway public opinion.   If we can't or won't care for our own in "Christian" fashion, I seriously doubt the images of brown children jammed into substandard accommodations and held indefinitely in cruel conditions will tug enough heartstrings to ameliorate the situation.   In fact, for many of the president's* supporters, the cruelty is the point.

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