Monday, July 22, 2019

Hot town...

    The northeast US finally got a taste of what 90% of the rest of the world has been dealing with.  In other words, it was ungodly hot and humid this past weekend.   My garden, which has struggled with wet and cool conditions through much of the season, looked prostrate by Sunday afternoon with even established plants wilting in the intense heat.  Fortunately, the mini heat wave broke last night and today's high will reach the low 70s.
     Of course the climate change deniers will continue to dispute the inevitability of the problems induced by anthropomorphic meddling.   A disputed paper published in a scientific journal posits a variation in our distance from the sun as the cause of the current climate gyrations.   Although the central thesis has already been debunked, the deniers will use the imprimatur of respectability granted by the publication to insist that dumping gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere has no effect on climate.   Somewhere, Carl Sagan weeps.

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