Monday, July 15, 2019

The Fire next time

     It looks as though New Orleans dodged the water bullet over the weekend.  By missing the largest part of Tropical storm Barry's precipitation, the beleaguered levee system was able to keep the city dry for the most part.  However, we are at the very beginning of the hurricane season and NOLA can't continue to count on missing storms as a strategy.
     Meanwhile, in India, a city of over 8 million people is about to run out of water.  The implications of that are terrifying.   There is no way even fleets of water tankers can alleviate that problem.  With most of the sub continent dependent on the increasingly problematic monsoon season to recharge aquifers and reservoirs and haphazard development destroying the land's carrying capacity, people on that side of the world are encountering another side to the climate crisis.
     We need to mobilize now to deal with both of the above problems.

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