Friday, July 19, 2019

The Knee Jerks

    The "Send her home" chant hatefully sounded by the trumpanzees at Cheetolini's latest campaign rally is just the latest symptom of the white supremacist disease overtaking the party of Lincoln.  In a hate filled rant against Ilan Omar and the other members of "the squad", tRump continued to tear at the fabric of our democracy and lead his followers down the path to authoritarianism.
     How anyone whose ancestors made the perilous voyage to this country in search of a better life can applaud the racist tirades of the president* is way beyond my understanding.  My heritage is Italian and Irish and I hope only a minority of my fellow Irish/Italian Americans are in favor of branding those with a different lineage of somehow being less human than themselves and their families.   Both the Irish and the Italians were pictured as subhuman by the press and many in the public during the late nineteenth and early 20th centuries.
     Eventually we assimilated into the mainstream of American life.  Perhaps those who cheer on tRump's diatribes against the latest immigrants should consider going back to their ancestral homelands.   The knee jerk racism of tRump's fans is a disgrace and a repudiation of everything this country is supposed to stand for.

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