Monday, July 29, 2019

Another Day...

    There was another mass shooting yesterday at of all places, the Gilroy garlic festival.   I guess as long as large numbers of people gather in one place, depraved lunatics will take advantage to create mayhem.   I doubt many of these killers would be able or willing to add to the statistics if firearms were easier to obtain.  However, thanks to gun manufacturers and the NRA, easy access to the means of mass murder will continue.
     In gardening news, we are approaching peak production.  I have cut back somewhat on my later plantings and my CSA customers are almost in "No mas" territory as their shares begin to take up more and more space in their refrigerators.  Peppers will be available this week and tomatoes are not far behind, but as usual at this time of the year, rainfall is at a premium and yields depend on how much precipitation we receive during the August doldrums.

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