Tuesday, July 2, 2019

So little time

      This blog has for the most part concentrated on current events as seen through the lens of a liberal baby boomer gardener.  If I had more time, I would probably churn out more postings on popular culture to the dismay of the few people who actually see them.   Unfortunately, current events require me to dedicate an inordinate amount of space to the antics of our current president*.
      How any self respecting American can look at or hear the rapist in chief and not come away with a queasy sensation is beyond me.  His latest adventures in diplomacy with Kim jong Un is a case in point.   He provided the arguably most brutal dictator in the world a chance to upstage the G-20 summit with a photo op in the DMZ and came away with nothing but a promise there would be more negotiations.  He then blatantly lied to the press, claiming the previous administration had "begged" for a meeting with Kim and had been turned down.  
     Meanwhile, the tragic farce on our southern border continues as thousands of refugees are herded into camps meant to hold a fraction of their numbers for short periods of time.  Horrendous stories of 4 showers available for up to 700 detainees and people held in such crowded cells there is no room to lay down and sleep are being reported.   One woman even reported being told if she was thirsty she should drink out of a toilet.   A private facebook site open to present and former CBP officers was gleefully running gimmicked videos purporting to show liberals such as AOC performing oral sex with refugees.   This is tRump's America in 2019.
    Finally, Paul Krugman in today's NYT tells us that in the latest fiscal year, the state of Kentucky received 40 billion dollars more from the federal government than its residents paid in taxes.   If that state was a nation, the 40 billion would represent 20% of its GCP.  The same is true of most states which voted for Cheetolini.  Socialism indeed!

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