Friday, July 26, 2019

Cruel and Stupid

     I know I'm not the only one to point this out, but the tRump administration and its GOP enablers in Congress and red state legislatures will go down in history as perhaps the cruelest and most stupid US governments ever.
     In a recent post, Kevin Drum of Mother Jones points to a chart from the Bureau of Economic Research showing states which refused the Medicaid expansion under Obamacare have presided over more than 15,000 preventable deaths each year compared to states which accepted the federal funds.  As Drum points out, it would have cost them virtually nothing to do the expansion since it was paid for with funds they were already contributing to the system.   This is ideologically motivated cruelty.  All the states who refused the federal aid voted for tRump.
     Paul Krugman in the NYT today shows the stupid side of the administration.  Cheetolini likes to brag his tariffs have resulted in an increase in revenue, paid for by foreign governments.  But as Krugman points out, every item covered by tariffs has risen in price to reflect the fact that we, the consumer are actually paying for the tariffs.  In addition, the tax cut tRump likes to take credit for is actually a $40 billion bonanza for foreign investors who hold stock or equities in US corporations which have received the lion's share of the benefits of the cuts.  Meanwhile, revenues to the government are down about $140 billion this year.  That is the case for stupidity.
     Anyone without a vested financial interest in The Donald's government who continues to support it and its leader is participating in a monstrously stupid and cruel criminal enterprise.

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