Wednesday, July 10, 2019

What really matters

    I was going to write about the citizenship question on the census and the continuing assault on Obamacare and what these two issues say about our democracy.   Then, I checked the weather.
     Although the local forecast seems like a pretty tame summer prediction; hot and humid with a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow, there was an add on story which caught my eye.  It seems we have broken the record for most rainfall in the US during a 12 month period with a nationwide average over 37 inches. The kicker is the previous record was set last month and chances are we will break the record again this month.
   A warming world is one in which we can expect huge precipitation events due to warming oceans evaporating into the atmosphere.   The huge load of moisture will then be steered over land where it will fall as rain.  This is the same process we have always observed, but now on steroids due to human induced climate change.   Although attempts to game our electoral system by republicans are despicable, if we don't do something to mitigate our free form science experiment with climate, in the long run their shenanigans won't matter.

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