Monday, July 8, 2019

Gardening in July

     The front part of the July 4th weekend was what most of us think of as summer.  It was hot, humid and altogether miserable for gardeners.  Saturday was perhaps worse with the same dose of humidity but with off and on thundershowers spoiling any attempts at outdoors activities.  Sunday was the cure.   Low humidity and bright sunshine made for a perfect summer day.
      The garden is producing possibly too bountifully for my CSA members.   By next week there will be dark mutterings as they carry a bounty of greens and lettuce home where they will either have to cook and enjoy quickly, or share with friends and neighbors.  
      Weeds and succession plantings were the order of the day and will continue for a few more weeks.   The weather has settled into a more dry regime, but the damage from heavy rains earlier in the season, including hard soil with major clods will continue to hamper plantings for the remainder of the season.  

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